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u4_start u4_end u4_line
u5_start u5_end u5_line
u6_start u6_end u6_line
u7_start u7_end u7_line


I’m using Adblock Plus but I still see suspicious ads

What happened?

What is Adware?


Adware is one type of Malware, short for "Malicious Software.” It is a term generally used for software installed on your computer that is designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without your consent. In many cases you obtained this software without knowing it, as these applications are often bundled in other software installers.

Adblock Plus has detected ads that are likely injected with Adware, which may have infected your computer.

Why doesn't Adblock Plus block these ads?


Adblock Plus is designed to block ads that are delivered from websites or their advertising partners. Malicious software can inject ads in such a way that the ads can not reliably be blocked by Adblock Plus. The best way to stop these ads is to remove the Malware that displays them.

How can I solve this?

For users unfamiliar with the administration of their computer's operating system, it’s recommended to run automated checks for Malware with one of the programs listed below, which also allow to remove the found unwanted software. All of the programs are free (for at least a trial period) with full functionality, and safe to install alongside your antivirus solution.






Mac OS X


For advanced users, refer to the  guides below to remove Malware and other programs on your computer that you don't remember installing. To regain control of your browsing experience, you must uninstall any malicious programs. For more help on uninstalling malicious programs from your computer, click one of the links below.


Mac OS X

u40_start u40_end u40_line
u41_start u41_end u41_line
u42_start u42_end u42_line

How do I prevent my computer from getting infected with Malware in the future?

Use official channels to download your browser:

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome



Install Adblock Plus. Adblock Plus can help to block and hide ads that trick you into installing potentially unwanted programs. Get Adblock Plus from

Don't click inside misleading pop-up windows. Many malicious websites try to install Malware on your system by making images look like pop-up windows, or by displaying an animation of the website scanning your computer.

Don't install untrusted software. Some websites offer you software to accelerate your browser, to help you search the web, or to add toolbars that make things your browser already does. Some unwanted programs also come bundled in software packages. Usually, these programs gather information on your browsing behavior that serve only the people who designed them. Make sure you only install add-ons, extensions and plug-ins from your browser’s web store website and that you uncheck unwanted programs in software installation wizards.

Keep your operating system and other software up-to-date.


Acceptable Ads

Adware prevention


For admins

Privacy policy

Legal notice

u69_start u69_end u69_line
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u73_start u73_end u73_line
u74_start u74_end u74_line
u75_start u75_end u75_line





Development builds

u80_start u80_end u80_line
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Source Code



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u93_start u93_end u93_line

Get rid of unwanted programs


Reset your browser settings

u102_start u102_end u102_line

160 px

1000 px

u109_start u109_end u109_line
u110_start u110_end u110_line
u111_start u111_end u111_line
u112_start u112_end u112_line

140 px

u115_start u115_end u115_line
u116_start u116_end u116_line

700 px

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u124_start u124_end u124_line

h = 72 px

h = 72 px

h = 35 px

h = 20 px

h = 60 px

h = 40 px

h = 25 px

h = 40 px

h = 25 px

h = 40 px

h = 20 px

h = 25 px

h = 20 px

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome



Safari 6 & 7

Safari 8 & 9

Oftentimes uninstalling unwanted software does not restore your browser settings to their original state. Follow these guides to do this manually:

h = 25 px

h = 20 px

250 px

u191_start u191_end u191_line
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u193_start u193_end u193_line



u196_start u196_end u196_line

250 px

u199_start u199_end u199_line
u200_start u200_end u200_line
u201_start u201_end u201_line

h = 35 px

h = 25 px

h = 40 px

h = 25 px

h = 20 px

h = 25 px

h = 40 px

h = 25 px

h = 10 px

u238_start u238_end u238_line

40 px

h = 20 px

h = 25 px

h = 25 px

h = 65 px

h = 40 px

h = 40 px

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Font = Arial Bold

Size = 32 px

Color = #000000

Line spacing = 36 px

u270_start u270_end u270_line

Font = Arial Bold

Size = 18 px

Color = #E11A2C

Line spacing = 20 px

u275_start u275_end u275_line

Font = Arial Regular

Size = 16 px

Color = #E11A2C

Line spacing = 20 px

Border = 2 px

BG = #E11A2C

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u286_start u286_end u286_line

Color = #FFFFFF

Padding = 15 px

u291_start u291_end u291_line
u292_start u292_end u292_line

Font = Arial Bold

Size = 18 px

Color = #000000

Line spacing = 20 px

u297_start u297_end u297_line

Font = Arial Regular

Size = 16 px

Color = #333333

Line spacing = 20 px

u302_start u302_end u302_line

Rule = 1 px

Color = #CCCCCC

u307_start u307_end u307_line

Font = Arial Regular

Size = 24 px

Color = #000000

Line spacing = 28 px

u312_start u312_end u312_line

Font = Arial Bold

Size = 20 px

Color = #FFFFFF

Container = 34 x 34 px

BG = #53B044

Radius = 4 px

10 px

u319_start u319_end u319_line
u320_start u320_end u320_line

Font = Arial Regular

Size = 16 px

Color = #777777

Line spacing = 20 px

Style = Underline

u325_start u325_end u325_line

Size = 21 x 14

u330_start u330_end u330_line

Size = 20 x 14

u337_start u337_end u337_line

Size = 18 x 18

Hide styles